As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...
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What’s Happening?
Global Forum 2009 The three-day interactive summit “Business as an Agent of World Benefit – “Manage by Designing in an Era of Massive Innovation” was held from June 25, 2009, at the Case Western Reserve Univer-sity, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The summit hosted interactive change methods, breakout sessions, and expert-led discussions. The purpose of the confe-rence […]
Cost of Coercion
The Global Report on forced labour, published in 2005, provided figures to show the truly global scope of the problem, which affects virtually all countries and all kinds of economies. Some 12.3 million persons worldwide were in some form of forced labour or bondage. Of these, 9.8 million were exploited by private agents, including more […]
The Case for Banning CSR!
I participated in a strategy session on CSR/sustainability this week and was left wondering if we CSR specialists are our own worst enemy. Would more progress be made if we banned CSR? Would we be better off if we never used the C-word again? What if we substituted “CSR” with “risk management” or “new business […]
Building Teams
The premise the work done on teams at Schuitema is based on, is that one can account for the success of any group of people on the degree to which the individual in the group is unconditional in pursuit of the group’s objectives. For example, people normally measure the success of an enterprise based on […]