As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...
Recent Articles
Concern for Children Trust
Improving the quality of life for Karachi’s urban slum children costs far less then you may think. Noorjehan is one of 200,000 children who live in Karachi’s largest unofficial kutchi abadi: Moham-madi Machar Colony. She wakes up every morning at 5 am to do housework and also cooks for her family. Her mother is critically […]
Business Continuity Planning Can Make us Stronger
Recent high-wire tensions between India and Pakistan over recent Mumbai attacks have reactivated the urge to treat freedom as a blessing from God and take liberty to use it the way it deserves. Correlation exists between freedom and Business Continuity and though I admit that businesses are well aware and well educated regarding importance of […]
Global Briefs May-Jun 2009
Artificial Sweetners and Health Hazards Artificial sweeteners have been linked to bladder cancer in laboratory rats. The cancer affects a mechanism in the rat’s bladder that does not exist in humans, and, therefore, the FDA does not consider most artificial sweete-ners dangerous for human consumption. A new study from the Water Technology Center is Karlsruhe, […]
Waste Not, Want Not?
About 353,000 babies are born every single day in the world. About 146,000 people die each day globally. So in round numbers, the world population is growing by about 200,000 people every day or a million every 5 days. Given that the Planet’s natural resources are limited, common sense dictates that waste should be avoided […]