As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...
Recent Articles
Of Conferences
Let me share at the outset, that I have always been somewhat wary, and on occasions even suspicious about conferences. And this, after attending innumerable conferences all over the world, over a 30 years plus (and going strong!) work-life experience. Conferences on CSR / sustainability, corporate governance, HR, DFI, exports promotion, microfinance, women empowerment, entrepreneurship […]
The Essence of Sustainability
Part 1 – The genesis of corporate sustainability: Corporations, the world over, are formed and then go on to conduct business, with one express purpose to generate a financial return on the investment of their shareholders. In simpler words, to make profits. This may sound obvious and even cliched, but on the other hand, it […]
The meaning of the term Sustainability and Business is undergoing a transition, and companies and business leaders are beginning to change the way they are approaching their responsibilities to business and society. The MIT Sloan Management Review explored recent trends and issues transforming the business environment, in their summer issue 2012 and also in a […]
Leadership Challenges of VUCA
When Unilever Indonesia wanted clean water for their plant on the highly-polluted Brantas River, they turned to community partners. Rather than throwing money at the problem, they provided management expertise, volunteering help and equipment to help the community help themselves. Key to this was changing the community’s mindset from seeing the river as little more […]