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E-Waste Recycling in Poor Countries

In Western countries, it is increasingly common to replace electronic equipment within a few years. Currently, many countries are implementing laws that mandate switching from analogue to digital television broadcasting, further accelerating the rate at which people dispose off their old televisions. In addition, because of rapid advancements in technology, many people in both the […]

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Exploring New Dimensions in CSR

Corporations have been actively practicing strategic philanthropy for a little more than a decade. With time there is increasing awareness that what was once considered a management fad has now strengthened its roots many thanks to the growing understanding of the need to save our planet. But what about the people, the employees? How long […]

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Labour Markets: Verbosity With Meaning

When a downturn hits, there is a fall in demand, and it is labour working at the lowest tier of the market which gets bumped out of the economy first. Many perceive this as a consequence of adhoc decisions on the part of employers, but infact such is a systematic consequence of the function of […]

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The Poor Don’t Want CSR, They Just Want A Job

[The] Poor … have their own dignity and do not wish to be regarded the begging bowl of the economy. They don’t want hand outs. Philanthropy by itself does not create sustainable value for them. They want jobs, fair wages, fair trading, responsible investing, ethical buying and transparency in transactions. World Council for Corporate Governance […]

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