As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...
Recent Articles
CSR and The State of Our Nation
All this talk of CSR. But as a citizen, stepping back and looking at the state of our beloved nation, one wonders how CSR can be relevant to people whose daily lives are riddled with bombings, muggings, conspiracy theories and a whole array of similarly unpalatable pickings. Indeed, we at tbl glimpse rays of hope […]
What’s Happening?
Child Rights National Conference and Reel View Festival Street children in Pakistan number approximately 70,000 and almost 50 percent of the children drop out of school because of rampant corporal punishment, poverty, financial constraints and abuse. A child as young as seven can be tried for committing a crime (the lowest age for criminal responsibility […]
CSR Networks:Talking Shops or Partnerships with a Purpose?
I am beginning to think that many people are increasingly forgetting that the C in CSR stands for corporate. In other words CSR in a business based initiative. It is something that needs to be embedded into business strategy. It is about creating a sustainable competitive advantage for businesses. It needs to be led by […]
Economic Bottom-Lines:Inclusivity and Microenterprises
Economic inclusivity is arguably the fundamental consideration in the ‘profits’ bottom-line (assuming that transparency, legal compliance, tax obligations and all such matters are well in-line). Inclusivity, both at the international and macro-economic level is what has the ability to truly contextualize the economic behaviour of an entity. For instance, at the international level, we have […]