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Nuclear Responsibility: Security Failures Across the Border

It is surprising that neither the media nor the government nor non-governmental organizations in Pakistan or elsewhere have taken note of the recent radiation exposure accident in New Delhi: it resulted in one fatality and radiation injuries to at least ten members of the general public. The accident, with obvious nuclear security connotations, has provisionally […]

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Global Briefs

Greenwashing? Sandra Bullock Gets Duped by Big Oil’s Restore the Gulf Campaign Something’s Not Right With This Campaign Not long ago, many celebrities got together to make a PSA for the “Be The One” campaign, urging people to sign a petition to save the Gulf of Mexico on the website RestoreTheGulf.com (very similar to the […]

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TEDx Lahore 2010

On a warm afternoon interspersed by gracious drizzles, TEDx Lahore 2010 took place at the Ali Auditorium on Ferozepur Road; an excellent choice for the venue?s lush green gardens and adequate spacing if we ignore the miniscule lobby near the entrance that had throngs of people squashed inside and fanning themselves with pamphlets, waiting for […]

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Your CSR Report: Essential Tools

As the daughter of a carpenter, I always understood the importance of tools. They say that a bad workman always blames his tools. Well, in the case of CSR reports, it is worth ensuring that you have the right tools to start with. I have compiled this set of essential tools for writing a CSR […]

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