As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...
Recent Articles
The Faces of Poverty
My planet is diseased with abject poverty. The overt face being the beggars on the world’s streets, the endless urban slums of hovels circumventing the planet; made from waste materials like discarded plastic sheets, skins as these are called, of advertising hoardings; and the countless emaciated souls with sunken, hopeless eyes who populate the enormous […]
What’s Happening?
2010 Social Enterprise Summit 19 – 21 November, 2010 Hong Kong The Social Enterprise Summit 2010 aims to cultivate more in-depth and practical methodologies for Social Entrepreneurship by developing impact measurement and inculcating business capabilities, with a view to helping all stakeholders, including government and NGOs, to achieve their own objectives. It also hopes to […]
Corporate News
DHL extends relief efforts in Pakistan Bonn / Islamabad, September 15, 2010: In the wake of a continuing difficult situation caused by nationwide flooding, the Disaster Response Team (DRT) has been working in the military section of the Islamabad airport since August 26. To date, the DHL employees have unloaded and relief supplies like food, […]
Not Flat But Textured
Relationships and Growth in an Interconnected World Thomas Friedman declared that we live in a flat world that has got even flatter. That technology especially the Internet has the most significant part to play in it. Those who have grown with the Internet and are inextricably glued to their cellphones will testify to this. But […]