As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...

The 18th century Genevan philosopher, writer and composer, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, in his classic treatise The Social Contract, stated “Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” While the word ‘man’ in Rousseau’s famous quotation refers of course to human beings of both genders, what is more true today is that women are born […]
As the world embraces the concept of sustainability at many levels and looks for solutions to reduce human impact on Planet Earth, varying ideas on what should be done are being proposed. Many of these proposed solutions can also have a rebound effect though. For example, the savings made in energy efficiency of products often […]
Organizer: AIM- RVR Center for Corporate Social Responsibility Date: September 23-24, 2013 Location: Grand Hyatt- Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia Sponsor: Intel (Co-Organizer), Lippo Group, First Pacific Group, PT Indofood (Principal Hosts) Website: The Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR) is the largest annual conference on corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the region. It […]
Regulators all around the world are now increasingly holding the corporate sector ‘responsible’ for its impact on society, the economy and the environment. This is being seen through increased regulatory behavior to guide companies in driving corporate social responsibility. Keeping with global best practices, the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan has recently released ‘Voluntary […]