As we look back at the first decade of the 21st century, taking a very broad...
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Strategies for Internalizing CSR
For companies operating in diverse global communities, CSR is both challenging and exciting. It?s challenging in a way that there will never be enough resources to meet the enormity of the needs. In turn, it?s exciting because partnerships can be formed to leverage contributions and engage the heart of your employees. Leveraging is maximized by […]
Engaging Your Employees in CSR In the grand scheme of things, Corporate Social Responsibility is still an emerging field, which means that everything ? from general strategy to best practices ? is still being solidified. One of the questions that is still debated quite often in the CSR community concerns the ?business case? for this kind of work. In […]
Is There a Role for Corporations in Alleviating Poverty in Emerging Markets?
The need to address questions of low living standards, exploitation, poverty, unemployment and how to promote human development, in general, has been almost entirely the preserve of Governments and the UN -especially in the last decade with the emphasis on the MDGs (Millenium Development Goals). The paper will look at whether large private corporations also […]
Giving: The New Imperative
Finally, all those chain email hoaxes about Bill Gates giving his wealth away have come true in a form that may defeat even the most fanciful imagination: Bill & wife Melinda Gates have pledged to give billions of dollars worth of wealth away to philanthropy. They are joined by billionaire investor friend Warren Buffet who […]