Let me share at the outset, that I have always been somewhat wary, and on occasions even suspicious about conferences. And this, after attending innumerable conferences all over the world, over a 30 years plus (and going strong!) work-life experience. Conferences on CSR / sustainability, corporate governance, HR, DFI, exports promotion, microfinance, women empowerment, entrepreneurship […]

The End Of International Climate Diplomacy?
The turn of the New Year marked the end of ‘Phase 1’ of the Kyoto Protocol, an event that could arguably mark the beginning of the end for international climate diplomacy. Why? Well, a lot has changed in the world since the signing of the agreement in 1997 – we live in a more globalised […]

5 things your CSR Consultant is Not Telling You
The first time I worked with a Saudi business contemplating CSR, what struck me more than anything else was how receptive the management was to new ideas. Yes I could hear trepidation, fear of unknown territories, not knowing how to proceed, but what rose above it all was that the leadership had no preconceived notions […]

Should CSR be regulated to the point of being legislated?
Amongst all on offer, there was also an engaging debate at the 2012 Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR), held in Manila, Philippines on October 18 and 19. The motion was: Should CSR be regulated to the point of being legislated? Arguing for the motion were Catherine Coumans, Research Director, Mining Watch, Canada and […]
Engaging Your Employees in CSR
http://www.thechangebase.com/2010/03/22/engaging-your-employees-in-csr/ In the grand scheme of things, Corporate Social Responsibility is still an emerging field, which means that everything ? from general strategy to best practices ? is still being solidified. One of the questions that is still debated quite often in the CSR community concerns the ?business case? for this kind of work. In […]