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Overcoming The Academia-Industry Trust Deficit

Shell-Eco Marathon, a concept that most of us residing in Pakistan, were unaware of until last year, has now become the talk of Pakistan’s engineering universities. The Shell Eco-marathon began in 1939 at an American Shell research labo-ratory as a friendly venture between scientists to see who could get the most miles per gallon from […]

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Marketers! Ask Not “to Tweet or Book?”

Ask how both can be used as a part of an overall branding strategy in the appropriate way. Facebook and Twitter are playing a larger role in brand strategy than anyone could have expected. What started off as a social networking tool for the mere purpose of harmless interaction has turned into an online billboard […]

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Branded Nation

What is common between Prophets, politicians and playwrights? They all tell stories. What determines the popularity of each? How well they sell their stories Moses’ Ten Commandments, Bush’s WMD and Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet’ are all ‘stories’ we recognize and relate to. Storytelling is the core of culture it is through stories that we share our feelings, […]

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Strategic CSR and Competitive Advantage for Pakistan

CSR is good for business if taken as a strategic approach to running a company or institution. Thus CSR goes further, much further, than a purely philanthropic handout. Corporate Social Responsibility is concerned with treating the key stakeholders of a company or institution ethically or in a responsible manner. ‘Ethically or responsible’ means treating key […]

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