
Waste Not, Want Not?

About 353,000 babies are born every single day in the world. About 146,000 people die each day globally. So in round numbers, the world population is growing by about 200,000 people every day or a million every 5 days. Given that the Planet’s natural resources are limited, common sense dictates that waste should be avoided […]

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Breaking News

That’s it; I have had all I can stomach with television channels and their insane predilection with airing every other piece of news as ‘breaking news’. There ought to be a law on what can and what cannot be classified as breaking news. I mean these channels break news faster than a patisserie chef can […]

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Any Takers?

My view on CSR is rather self-centric. What is in it for me? Are all the millions the corporate sector is pouring into CSR programming making my life better? Do companies understand how my life can get better? I don’t think so. Because if they did, I wouldn’t be stressed and hyper-ventilating all the time […]

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Whose Water Is It Anyway?

I heard this crazy idea for water harvesting, which on reflection did not seem that crazy after all. If one is able to collect all the water flow from all the airconditioners operating night and day in a large city like Karachi, how many MGD water can one generate? Yours truly was an instant convert […]

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