
CSR now needed more than ever before

Turbulent times: Financial storms in the US and UK will have implications for all of us. Main Street and Wall Street cannot be separated. If the captains of those financial companies, now in crisis or bankrupted, had acted more responsibly with a proper Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy, then their vessels would not have sunk […]

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CSR: 5 Minutes With The CEO

Evidence is accumulating that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is good for business in the medium to long term. CSR is, simply, about treating your stakeholders in an ethically responsible way. It takes time to put into practice and is not without cost. But there are commercial benefits which justify the time and effort. CEOs – […]

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The Rise And Rise of CSR

An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today. (Evan Esar) What has happened to CSR since I started working on the subject over ten years ago? My involvement with CSR was stimulated by the feeling that the public agencies with which we had worked ” ILO, […]

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